Is the space open right now? - No

Umeå Hackerspace is closed.

Normal opening hours are:

The above opening hours are aspirational! Check the open status indicator here on the website before dropping by, since it's not guaranteed that anyone has arrived yet. Or just ask on IRC/XMPP.

There is a semi-frequently updated schedule with planned activities here: öppetschema.

We are also listed on spaceapi, which has phone apps available. Just search for "spaceapi" wherever you get your apps, install any one you like, then search for "Umeå Hackerspace".

Articles in the Blog category

Protokoll medlemsmöte 20231101

Posted on
By styrelsen

Mötesprotokoll Umeå Hackerspace medlemsmöte 20231101.

Alla beslut som tagits av mötet är markerade med fetstil.

  1. Mötet öppnas -The meeting is declared open

    Mötet öppnades 19:17. Elva deltagare.

  2. Val av mötesunderlättare -The meeting chooses a moderator

    GINYFB valdes till mötesunderlättare.

  3. Val av sekreterare - Choose someone to take notes.

    tms valdes …

Protokoll extrainsatt årsmöte 2023

Posted on
By styrelsen
Umeå Hackerspace extrainsatt årsmöte 2023

Mötet öppnades 2023-09-20 kl 19:13.


- tms
- ginyfb
- e-rock
- kollimatorn
- j10
- baader
- skelettet
- spaceretro

1. Mötets stadgeenliga utlysande

Mötet fanns stagdeengligt utlyst.

2. Val av mötesordförande

e-rock valdes till mötesordförande.

3. Val av mötessekreterare

tms valdes till mötessekreterare.

4. Val av justerare samt justeringsdatum …

Umeå Hackerspace extrainsatt årsmöte

Posted on
By styrelsen


Styrelsen kallar härmed till extrainsatt årsmöte för Umeå Hackerspace den 20:e September kl 19:00 med anledning av att Swedbank kräver ett protokoll med explicit tillsatta styrelsemedlemmar på positionerna ordförande, vice ordförande, kassör och sekreterare. Årsmötet har redan valt tms, baader och GINYFB till firmatecknare, samt jonasbits, skelettet …

Kallelse till medlemsmöte

(detta mail gick ut till medlemmar måndag den 15:e Maj / this email was sent to members monday May the 15th)


Härmed kallar styrelsen till medlemsmöte den 29:e Maj klockan 19:00 i lokalen på Fabriksgatan 8B. En kort dagordning:

  1. Medlemsavgifter
  2. Öppetschema
  3. Städschema

För att få ekonomin i …

Årsmöte Umeå Hackerspace

Posted on
By tms

Kära medlemmar i Umeå Hackerspace!

Efter en tids uppehåll i verksamheten har vi nu ambitionen att försöka återuppta lite kreativ verksamhet för de teknikintresserade. :) För att åstadkomma detta behöver vi hålla årsmöte och välja in en ny styrelse. Ni är varmt välkomna till lokalen på Fabriksgatan 8 den 10:e …

Cleaning day #1

Posted on
By tms

Today we (tms, jonasbits, GINYFB and baader) sorted and packed stuff that had already been deemed trash and sent it to the great beyond. Some of the stuff was donated to Returbutiken.

There are still some more things to get rid of, like the old broken flatscreen TV, lots of …

Cleaning in progress

Posted on
By tms

Now that the pandemic is effectively over (or is it?) members have been returning to the space and noticed that lots of stuff has mysteriously accumulated over the last couple of years. Mostly in the form of cardboard moving boxes containing mysterious things. Luckily some members have been picking up …

Open status now logged

Posted on
By tms

The state of the space is now logged every time the open sign switch is flipped or whenever someone rings the doorbell. This state is published at The format is a list of the spaceapi "state" field over time, like so:

 "states": [
   "lastchange": 1662406258.92183 …

Cryptoparty w/ ACC

Posted on
By tms

Today we held a cryptoparty together with Academic Computer Club (ACC) at Origo. The event was attented by around 30 safety curious persons. Presentations were held, food was eaten and beer drunk.

Topics included threat modelling, encrypted chat, encrypted email, disk encryption, Tor, Spectre, Row hammer, etc.

One thing we …

Vanliga öppettider igen

Posted on
By tms

English version further down.

Nu när pandemin börjar lugna ner sig så har vi återgått till normala öppettider. Alla medlemmar och presumtiva medlemmar är välkomna! Även öppetstatusen på hemsidan och på IRC fungerar igen. Öppetskylten däremot måste fortfarande lagas.


Now that the pandemic is winding down we are returning …

RIP asbest

Posted on
By tms

Regular visitors may have noticed that this website has been down for a few days, as well as IRC still being down. This is because the server that has been running most of our services, asbest, died a few days ago after 18 years of operation. In honour of this …

The blog lives again!

Posted on
By tms

After three years of no one really caring about it, the blog is now alive again! Members can now edit it by cloning the www.git repository on asbest, editing then pushing the result back. Hooray!