Is the space open right now? - No

Umeå Hackerspace is closed.

Normal opening hours are:

The above opening hours are aspirational! Check the open status indicator here on the website before dropping by, since it's not guaranteed that anyone has arrived yet. Or just ask on IRC/XMPP.

There is a semi-frequently updated schedule with planned activities here: öppetschema.

We are also listed on spaceapi, which has phone apps available. Just search for "spaceapi" wherever you get your apps, install any one you like, then search for "Umeå Hackerspace".

Articles tagged with GPG

Cryptoparty nu på torsdag 18 april 2013

Posted on
By mmn

Nu blir det Cryptoparty i Umeå igen! Vi håller till hos det lokala IT-företaget Codemill AB på Riddaregatan 8 (Haga) och välkomnar varmt samtliga intresserade av IT-säkerhet, kryptologi och digitalt dataskydd. Vi öppnar dörrarna 18:00 och planerar hålla på till åtminstone 21:00.

De som vill komma får gärna …